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Subject: Hello Complications | 30 December, 2007
So, I went to work with my mom to cover a news story that happened the day after Christmas that no one had covered yet (Even though it was old news by then, I still wanted to do a cover of it for Backstage Pass Ohio)
The story was this;
A garbadge truck was lowering a giant garbadge can (Those huge corporate metal ones) back down when it broke a gas meter. There was a HUGE gas leak and my mom, the manager at the dialysis center where this happened, had to run to all the surronding stores, which is around 15, including a Wal*MArt, Kroger, Radio SHack type of place, hair salon, game store, etc etc etc etc etc etc, and evacuate everyone. This was about 300 - 400 people standing in the parking lot.
The police and gas company were called.
At that same time, there was a car accident down the road, which compeltely wiped out the power.
If the power hadn't been taken out by that accident- there would have been an explosion, which would have killed everyone (Including my mommy!! ahhh! I deffinatly clung to her after I heard that!)
But my mom saved the lives of hundreds of people the day after Christmas! =] I'm so proud of her!
Well, I got interviews, footage of the gas meter and stores and EVERYTHING. I spent 7 hours at work with my mom doing this.
On the way home, she turns the volume of the music down, turns to me and says, "I don't think you can use that story." When I asked why, she said it was because it had the name of ehr company in it- along with all the footage I shot, and I didn't have a media warrent to cover it.
So I'm left without a story.
It was alright being there, though. I mean I read my lines for the school play for about 5 hours and now I've got almsot all of Act 2 memorized now. I texted Via though asked if she wanted to go blow off our gift cards today since I didn't want to stay in the Dialysis center all day and it wouldn't take me that long to get the story. But her and Morgain were going to go see Sweeny Todd that day, so she couldn't.
I even ran over to Wal*Mart to see if they had a video editing program for 15 dollars since I couldn't figure out how to get the videoI shot onto my editing program. They didn't though- so I spent about an hour flipping through magazines. And the rest of my day was spent Day Dreaming.
I got home, figured out how to work my video program (I just had to switch the format on the camera- which made me slap my head as I am an idiot for not knowing that.), took a shower and jumped in my pj's early since I didn't think I'd be going anywhere.
Later on, at exactly 7:02 pm (I looked at the clock ha ha.) that day I realize that my phone was still on silent from working, and when i checked it I have a voice mail from Via.
She felt bad that she couldn't hang out with me earliar that day (And she analyzed my voice mail, saying I sounded like I was frustrated with a remedial task such as opening a Ragu bottle. Ha ha.) and that she was going Bowling with Morgain, since they remembered Morgain was only 16 and not old enough to get into Sweeny Todd, and wanted to know if I wanted to come?
I had to call her back before 7- so I called her anyways and caught them just in time. I really quick got dressed and they picked me up. While we were driving to the Bowling alley we were calling a bunch of friends to see if they wanted to come with us.
In the end only Dan and Sean could come on such short notice. Gabe said he MIGHT stop by since he was with his friend Jordan.
Well, Dan is just a friend, and Sean is my friend, too- but we had a fling over the summer. I wrote about that.
The entire time we were there, Dan and Sean were flirting with me. Dan was showing off his bowling skills (He's a BEAST at that game!!)and kept touching me- like ruffling my hair, kicking me lightly, or pushing my arm slightly, and Sean was being his goofy cute self. The whole game Sean and I were trying to psyche the other out by distracting them while they bowled. It was funny. And for some reason the guys thought my head was lucky- so they had to rub my head and mess up my hair before they bowled each time.
Now I'm worried Dan might think I like him- I always sit at his table at lunch to get away from mine when they start sharing sex stories and I share a seat with him because if I sit with my friend Berez- he pokes my side which aggrivates me as he shouldn't be poking and tickling his best friend when he has a girlfriend. I think it frustrats me also because he did that when he liked me during West Side Story.
After we finished bowling and recording ourselves randomly on my video camera, we all decided to head to the Mean Bean. The girls jumped in Morgains car and Dan and Sean were in his car (Which was actually his mom's minivan- I forgot to ask him why he was driving her car and not his.) We raced to the Mean Bea, taking different routes. And we ended up coming to the finale red light infront of the guys so we made faces at them and danced in the car. But when it came time to find a parking spot- the guys beat us and ran into the shop before we could get there. Morgain walked since she is still recovering from a knee sprain a long time ago- and checked the parking meter if it had to have quiarters, but since it was after 5 (It was about 9 o'clock) it didn't. I ran back and caught up with her- which caused Dan to call me asked where we were and what was taking so long.
When we walked in, Sean was talking to a girl and I got a ping of jealousy- and he hugged her but he came over and explained while we were all in line, waiting to order, that it was his sister.
Gabe ended up coming to the Mean bean while we were playing 20 questions and hung out with us for a while- which sent Via into a spiriling boy drama downfall as it reawoke her feelings for him.
Nate Garrette randomly showed up, too, and Ben Claymier made a cameo appearence.
I haven't been to the Mean Bean with Sean since our date back during the summer- and we even sat on the same couch. I got such a rush of de ja vou it wasn't even funny. Especially when he held my hand.
We had called Joey earliar to come with us but he was working and his mom had his phone (Which caused Via to swear she would never talk to his mom again, as she intimidated her.) and Sean answered my phone, pretending to be me (AND JOEY BOUGHT IT!) and was goofing off by asking him if he liked Via "I've noticed the way you look at her..." were his words (Which ended in a hilarious confessional of Joey saying he thought she was pretty but didn't want her to know with the risk of things getting awkward)
Well I was freaking out that Joey was buying it, and I forget why but Sean's hand was in the air so I placed my hand on his- compairing how much longer his fingers were than mine, when he shifted his fingers so they were laced with mine. I don't remember if I tried to pull them out and compair finger length again- but I think I did, and he did the same thing.
But the weird part?
When I was at my mom's work, I was reading over my lines for the school play and running through who was in the play and who would I run into while I was in the shopping center- and I day dreamed that I ran into Sean and we ended up running lines together.
At the Mean Bean, he dissapeared for a few minutes, and came back with his script- where he then pulled up a chair close to me and we ran lines. Then livy moved away from her spot next to me and he took her seat, sitting so close we were touching.
And that night just brought back all those feelings I had for him.
But now I'm in a pickle because spending just 3 hours with him, I know I like him more than Alec. Alec took me to Winter Formal last year, asked me to Homecoming this year (Which I turned down- I don't go to Homecoming) and we've been flirting in Acting class. Hugging before class everyday- and during class, and basically acting like a couple so much a girl in my class asked how long we were going out.
I know Alec likes me, and I thought I liked him. But it was always that my feelings would go away whenever I wasn't around him- then come back when I was near him. We've been acting like this for almost a year now and he still hasn't asked me out yet.
I was getting fed up, and I was going to give him until February to ask me out (But I still wasn't sure if I WANTED to go out with him, since at the time I decided this he wasn't with me.) But I just decided I was going to wait for him to ask me out anyways. (I'm stubburn and don't like asking guys out. I know know- I may miss out on something great if I don't ask them, but I'm just too stubburn)
I was going to wait a little longer for him to ask me out- but I realized I could never like him as much as I like Sean.
But I can't just shut him out because I hung out with Sean for one day- it wasn't even a group date or anything.
But it's rude to keep acting like I like Alec when I don't.
I'm just worried that if Sean ends up liking me again, and something happens, it'll hurt Alec. And now that all three of us are in the play- what's going to happen then?
I think Alec sees the play as an oppurtunity to get close to me- as when acting is over so are his daily hugs. (Which he says are the best part of the day.)
I mean, during the audition for the school play, my friend Kendall was there (He's gay, so we'll give each other hugs and such when we see each other. It doesn't matter to us since we're friends and both insterested in men.) And I washugging Kendall's arm when Alec says in that tone of voice he has, "Devannnn, you know how I feel about that..." and looks at our arms, so I told him to shut his mouth since Kendall's gay- then giggled to Kendall that Alec was jealous. Kendall- not missing a beat, says, "Sorry Alec you're not my type." Which was hilarious. I also pointed out to Alec that Kimmi in acting class, who clings to everyone, likes to cling to him the most and he says he he tries to push her off. (This reminded me of once, when I ran to grab my coat, I walked back in class and Alec was trying to back out of Kimmi's death grip and the first thing he says is, "Devann! It's not what you think! Which was hilarious.)
So, I think what I'm going to do is step back, only give Alechis manditory hug before class and that's it. (He would get upset and really hurt if I just stopped hugging him. And what could I tell him then? "Sorry dude, I realize that I only like you for the affection you give me and I'm head over heels for Sean again." No way! He's way to sensitive for that.) I won't stop being his friend- just stop showing affection. As for Sean I'm just going to be his friend, too. If he likes me (Which I doubt) then we can start from the beginning, slowly- and I won't go crazy this time, because I won't try to push him away again.
Sigh, does that make any sence?

I'm sorry that was so long! I also want to put that in my journal but i didn't want to retype the story twice.


Layout By Moorepocket . Images From Elegance Pixelfied
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